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Desk Booking

Booking a desk

Team Today helps you manage desk booking and workspace management

How it works

Once you have created an office then it's really simple to book desks in Team Today.

  • You can book a desk direct from the "Whereabouts" section when planning your week
  • If you have a floor plan enabled you can book a desk using the floor plan
  • You can also book into workspace areas in the "Office view"

Booking a desk from Whereabouts

To book a desk from Whereabouts simply:

  1. Tap "Set my Whereabouts"
  2. On the "In the office" button tap "Change"
  3. If you have multiple offices, choose an office
  4. If you have multiple floors, choose a floor
  5. From the floor plan or drop down select the desk you want

Booking a desk will automatically update the office view and the floor plan view.

Booking a workspace from Whereabouts

You can create multiple offices in Team Today

To book a workspace from whereabouts simply:

  1. Tap "Set my Whereabouts"
  2. On the "In the office" button tap "Change"
  3. If you have multiple offices, choose an office
  4. If you have multiple floors, choose a floor
  5. Select one of the "Work Spaces"
  6. For speed, favourite the workspace by tapping the star on the confirmation screen, this will make booking into the same workspace on another day much quicker.

Booking a workspace will automatically update the office view and the floor plan view.

Advanced office management:
Adding a floor plan

You can book into desks or work spaces in Team Today.

Adding a floor plan enables users to see who they will be sat next to when booking into an office. It's great to quickly identify where people are located.

Users can zoom into the floor plan, book desks or areas and switch between floors and offices.

Floor plans are currently handled by Team Today and are part of the paid subscription. Send us a floor plan and we'll make it interactive for free.

You can request their set up by emailing

Profile picture Robin Gibson
Robin Gibson
Co Founder