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Desk Booking

Assigning desks to teams or workgroups

With Team Today you can split the office by assigning desks to teams and workgroups.

How it works

If you have a floor plan enabled for desk booking then you can limit teams or workgroups to booking specific hot desks. This means that only team members or workgroup members can book desks assigned to them.

  • The desk can only be booked by the team members or workgroups assigned to the desk.
  • Office Admins and Company Admins can all still override these desks and book or cancel any booking.
Tap the edit pencil on the floor plan to enter edit mode

Assign a desk to a team or workgroup

  1. As an Office admin or Company Admin In Team Today go to the floor plan view.
  2. Choose the Office or Floor you wish to edit.
  3. Tap the "Edit Button" (Pencil icon) in the top right of the floor plan.
  4. Select the desks on the floor plan you wish to assign to a team. You can multiple select desks by simply tapping on them.
  5. With the desks selected tap the "Assign Desk to Team" or "Assign Desk to Workgroup" button on the right hand side.
  6. In the pop up window, select the team or workgroup from the dropdown.
  7. Tap "Save Changes"
  8. A dot will appear on the desk to show it is assigned to a team or workgroup.
  9. You can assign up to 5 teams or workgroups to a desk, the number of dots will increase to show how many are assigned.
  10. On the right hand side you can filter the desks to show which teams are assigned.
  11. Now only selected Team Members or Workgroup members will be able to book those desks.

Resetting a permanent desk to a hot desk

  1. As an Office admin or Company Admin In Team Today go to the floor plan view.
  2. Choose the Office or Floor you wish to edit.
  3. Tap the "Edit Button" (Pencil icon) in the top right of the floor plan.
  4. Select the desks on the floor plan you wish to assign to reset to a hot desk.
  5. With the desk selected tap the "Reset Selected Desk" button on the right hand side.
  6. This will clear the desk of any individuals or teams assigned to it.

Assigning desks to individuals

To assign desks to individuals please follow the instructions here.

Useful information

Adding a floor plan enables users to see who will they be sat next to when booking into an office. It's great to quickly identify where people are located. To add a floor plan simply email with your requirements.

Profile picture Robin Gibson
Robin Gibson
Co Founder