Team Today not syncing to Outlook calendar
In rare instances you may find that Team Today isn't syncing to your Outlook and MS Teams calendar. We've listed some ways below to try to reset.
How to reset the sync between Team Today and Outlook/MS Teams
- Login to and go to Team View (not the MS Teams app)
- Go to personal preferences: This is situated on the right hand side of the screen.
- Turn add events to your work calendar off and then back on: Toggling this button off and back on again will help reset the sync.
- Accept permissions: You may be prompted to accept calendar permissions, so be sure to do so.
- Head back to the Team View page and edit or add new whereabouts: You can either set brand new whereabouts or edit existing ones. The sync will only update once a change has been made.
Editing or adding new ones updates the sync process and should sync to your calendar.
Important: This reset process only works on the website, and not via the MS Teams app. Once reset it will work across all platforms.
Still not syncing?
- You may have created an account using email and password during the sign up process. This isn't linked to Microsoft so Team Today can't update your Outlook calendar however it is a simple fix for our support Team to migrate you over to Microsoft login, simply contact
- In very rare instances some events may have failed syncing to your calendar. This can block future events updating. To reset the sync simply contact and we'll reset those events.
If you're still experiencing issues, please contact our support team at and we'll be happy to assist you further.

Robin Gibson
Co-Founder and Director of Design