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Understanding Departments, Teams and Workgroups

Team Today now supports Departments, Teams and Workgroups. This guide helps you understand the differences between them and how you might use them in your company.

Understanding the hierarchy between Teams and Departments

  • Departments are used to group large collections of individuals together e.g over 40 people.
  • Teams are designed for groups of 2-40 people. You can have more than 40 in a team but we recommend having smaller teams and larger departments.
  • Most people are interested in their close colleagues whereabouts so a small Team can help manage that.
  • Admins are more interested in the wider group as a whole so a larger Department view for them is more useful.
  • Its worth remembering that users can follow up to three Teams and still also access their Departments whereabouts.
  • Users can only exist in one Department and one Team.
  • You can associate Teams to Departments.
  • You can also make Teams private.

How do Workgroups fit in?

  • We see Workgroups as a way to house groups of individuals who aren't in the same team such as a cross functional project team.
  • Users can exist in multiple Workgroups
  • You might also consider workgroups for Fire wardens, first aiders or key holders.

Robin Gibson
Co-Founder and Director of Design